Frost Underwriting was established as a sister operation to the brokerage business, Frost Insurances, in 2008. Today we are one of the largest Underwriting agencies in the Republic of Ireland servicing more than 250 brokers in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Europe. We have gained the respect of the insurance market as being innovative, service driven, competitive and providers of specialist niche products.
We pride ourselves on friendly qualified staff that has years of experience in underwriting roles and not just broking capacity. Together with effective risk management solutions and a professionally managed claims service Frost Underwriting is able to offer insurance with security you can trust.
We operate various binding authority agreements on behalf of some of the largest Insurance Companies in the world.
We are dedicated in developing good working relations with our Insurance providers, brokers and intermediaries. If you require further information on how Frost Underwriting can give you the perfect platform and distribution please fee free to call our office on 00353 (61) 310 566 or email