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What is this type of insurance?

  • This Home Insurance policy provides cover for loss or damage to your Buildings and/or Contents.
  • Buildings - provides cover for the structure of the home, domestic outbuildings and permanent fixtures.
  • Contents - provides cover for household goods and personal belongings.
  • Important: Cover and restrictions will vary depending on which option you have chosen.

The policy covers:

Loss or damage caused by sudden and unforeseen events such as:

  • Fire, Smoke, Explosion, Lightning, Earthquake
  • Storm or Flood
  • Subsidence/heave or landslip
  • Riot, Civil Commotion, Strikes, Labour Disturbances
  • Malicious Acts
  • Escape of Water
  • Theft or attempted theft
  • Impact with the buildings by aircraft or aerial devices, vehicles, or any article dropped from them and animals
  • Leakage of oil from any fixed heating installation
  • Falling trees or branches
  • Accidental damage (optional for contents cover)


The home being buil t of brick, stone or concrete and roofed with slates, tiles, fiberglass, asphalt or metal, including:

  • landlord’s fixtures and fittings, its garages and domestic outbuildings, stairlifts, permanent swimming pools, fixed hot tubs, fixed Jacuzzis, domestic fixed fuel tanks and cesspits
  • hardcourts, paved terraces, patios, drives, paths, walls, gatesand fences, all contained within the boundaries of the land of the home


  • Household goods, valuables and belongings, including money up to €750 and credit cards up to €1,000 owned by, or the legal responsibility of you or a member of your family when in your home
  • Tenant’s fixtures and fittings
  • Visitors personal effects up to €1,000 when in your home unless otherwise insured
  • Office equipment and office furniture used by you or your family for business or professional purposes up to €6000 when in your home, unless otherwise insured, owned by, or the legal responsibility of you or a member of your family. The maximum amount we will pay is the price to rebuild your home and/or replace its contents.Please note, the sum insured and the covered perils are stated in the Schedule of the Policy

Liability section:

  • Public/Personal Liability sum insured €2.6 million
  • Employers liability sum insured €13 mill ion



  • Michal Nowak –